Quick Instructions
Module names may be changed depending on your system, but the general procedure is the same.
Load modules:
module purge
module load gcc
module load cmake
module load openmpi
module load intel # Sometimes this helps mpi4py work
Create & activate conda environment with dependencies:
conda create --name fitsnap python=3.10
conda activate fitsnap
python -m pip install numpy scipy scikit-learn virtualenv psutil pandas tabulate mpi4py Cython
# For nonlinear fitting:
python -m pip install torch
# For fitting ACE:
python -m pip install sympy pyyaml
# For contributing to docs:
python -m pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinxcontrib-napoleon
Now we need to install LAMMPS.
NOTE: If you want to use ACE, please see LAMMPS PACE install
Set the following environment variables:
LAMMPS_DIR=/path/to/where/you/want/lammps # LAMMPS code will be in $LAMMPS_DIR
FITSNAP_DIR=/path/to/where/you/want/FitSNAP # FitSNAP code will be in $FitSNAP_DIR
Get & build LAMMPS with Python library:
git clone https://github.com/lammps/lammps $LAMMPS_DIR
mkdir $LAMMPS_DIR/build-fitsnap
cd $LAMMPS_DIR/build-fitsnap
cmake ../cmake -DLAMMPS_EXCEPTIONS=yes \
-DPKG_ML-IAP=yes \
-DPKG_SPIN=yes \
make install-python
Get & prepare FitSNAP:
git clone https://github.com/FitSNAP/FitSNAP $FITSNAP_DIR
export PYTHONPATH=$FITSNAP_DIR:$PYTHONPATH # So you can run FitSNAP as executable
Fit a neural network for tantalum:
cd $FITSNAP_DIR/examples/Ta_PyTorch_NN
mpirun -np 2 python -m fitsnap3 Ta-example.in --overwrite
Run high-performance MD with this neural network potential:
SITE_PACKAGES_DIR=`python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])"`
export PYTHONPATH=${SITE_PACKAGES_DIR}:$PYTHONPATH # So that ML-IAP package can find torch for MD
cd MD
mpirun -np 4 ${LAMMPS_DIR}/fitsnap-build/lmp < in.run