1. Contributing

Important points to follow are explained below.

1.1. Style Guide

Please follow the current style conventions in main FitSNAP files such as fitsnap3lib/fitsnap.py.

  • Indent size is 4 spaces, and use actual spaces (not tabs); set your tab key to equal 4 spaces.

  • Maximum line length is 100 characters. Set a vertical ruler in your editor and try to terminate lines once they reach 100 characters. This makes code easier to read without horiztonal scrolling.

  • Naming styles: module_name, package_name, ClassName, method_name, ExceptionName, function_name, GLOBAL_CONSTANT_NAME, global_var_name, instance_var_name, function_parameter_name, local_var_name

  • Avoid global variables that are declared outside class methods or attributes, except in necessary circumstances; sometimes it’s useful, but you need to make sure that it doesn’t affect unrelated FitSNAP uses.

  • Prefer imported functions to new classes with state dependence.

For other style advice, consult Google’s Python style guide when in doubt: https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html

1.2. Documenting

All new features and examples must be documented. If adding a new feature, it should be explain in the appropriate section of our docs. For example if adding a new scraper capability, elaborate in Scraper. This is done by editing the RST files docs/source and building with Sphinx; see more info in the README in the docs directory.

Classes and functions should contain docstrings. We use Google style docstrings, see fitsnap3lib/fitsnap.py for examples.

New examples must be documented in a README in their appropriate directory. Be specific on how to run the example.

More information on Google’s style guide for docs:



Please reach out or raise an issue on GitHub if you want more info about adding a new feature.