3.3. Calculator

class fitsnap3lib.calculators.calculator.Calculator(name, pt, config)

Class for allocating, calculating, and collating descriptors.

allocate_per_config(data: list)

Allocate shared arrays for total number of atoms. This is only needed when doing big A matrix fits (need number of atoms) or nonlinear fits.


data – List of data dictionaries.

collect_distributed_lists(allgather: bool = False)

Gathers all the distributed lists on each proc to the root proc. For each distributed list (fitsnap dicts) this will create a concatenated list on the root proc. We use this function in fitsnap.py after processing configs.


allgather – Whether to gather lists on all nodes or just the head node.


Allocate shared arrays for calculator.


Create dictionaries for certain distributed lists. Each list should be of size nconfigs of a single proc.


nconfigs – int number of configs on this proc.

3.3.1. LammpsBase

class fitsnap3lib.calculators.lammps_base.LammpsBase(name, pt, config)

Allocate shared arrays for calculator.

preprocess_allocate(nconfigs: int)

Allocate arrays to be used by this proc. These arrays have size nconfigs.


nconfigs – number of configs on this proc

process_configs(data, i)

Calculate descriptors for a given configuration. Action of this function is altered by certain attributes.


transpose_trick – Don’t touch shared arrays in _collect_lammps() if true. Instead store smaller matrices self.aw, self.bw.

process_single(data, i=0)

Calculate descriptors on a single configuration without touching the shraed arrays.

  • data – dictionary of structural and fitting info for a configuration in fitsnap data dictionary format.

  • i – integer index which is optional, mainly for debugging purposes.


  • A matrix of descriptors depending on settings declared in CALCULATOR. If bikflag is 0 (default) then A has 1 and 0s in the first column since it is ready to fit with linear solvers; the descriptors are also divided by no. atoms in this case. If bikflag is 1, then A is simply an unaltered per-atom descriptor matrix.

  • b vector of truths

  • w vector of weights